Static Site Encrypted Content

Jacob Lewallen 372 words 2 min read January 06, 2020 #blog #hugo #cryptography

If you've browsed this site long enough you may have noticed pages that are password protected. These aren't particularly sensitive, just private. I wanted to be be able to host content that was only available to friends and family, specifically photo ablums. This is an interesting problem when you're building a static site in Hugo.

The approach is pretty simple and came together very quickly once I had a plan in place. One of my goals was a generalizable solution that I could apply in a variety of circumstances and wasn't too tightly coupled to Hugo. I did spend some time investigating shortcodes and the other extensibility options but that quickly led nowhere. My final solution resembles a slightly more elaborate implementation of the StatiCrypt 1 project.

Basically, the sensitive content is encrypted and stored inline in the pages and then decrypted using a passphrase in the browser. To simplify browsing the site, the passphrase is kept in the browser's localStorage and when a page loads that has encrypted content it's automatically decrypted.

The encryption tool is a simple golang program 2 and performs the following steps:

  1. Opens and parses the HTML file, searching the DOM for the top most node with a specific CSS class. This class marks the part of the DOM with sensitive content.
  2. The HTML for that sensitive area is then rendered to a string and encrypted, then the encrypted payload is signed.
  3. A text/template is then processed with that encrypted information and used to generate a new fragment of HTML.
  4. This new fragment replaces the ensitive one and the resulting DOM is rendered to a new file.

In the end, the old HTML file is replaced with the encrypted one! This creates a very seamless browsing experience when going from unprotected to protected areas and allows for finer control of the protected content.

There's a few ways this could be improved, specifically around how images or other static assets are handled. I'm tossing around the idea of obfuscating paths and/or some very basic token verification server side, for example. For now, things require enough hoops to jump through.

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